Online Gallery of Margaret Eisenhardt Berry

"Nature and Motion"

(Paintings Remaining from 2003 and 2005 Shows in Washington, DC)

See Enlarged Photos 7

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(#418) "Bush Tits and Suet"

(#425) "Lavender and Bees"

(#433) "Corner of the Greenhouse"

(#432) "Spinning"

(#423) "Cherry Tree Rhythms"

(#427) "Barbados #1:  Interior"

(#429)  "Nuts to Art"

(#434) "Orchid Garden"

(#435) "Orchid Garden #2"

29 1//4" x 43 1/4" Acrylic on hemp

80" x 30 1/4"; Acrylic on hemp

26 1/4" x 49 7/8"; Acrylic on hemp

17" x 21"; Acrylic on hemp

22 1/2" x 28 1/2"; Acrylic on hemp

30 1/4" x 44 1/2"; Acrylic on hemp

37 7/8" x 33 7/8"; Acrylic on hemp

17 1/4" x 38 1/4"; Acrylic on hemp

35" x 28"; Acrylic on hemp