Online Gallery of Margaret Eisenhardt Berry

"Maps and Cities"  (2012-14)

I travel often.  Perhaps because I walk around strange cities with a map in hand, maps became the structures for these five paintings.   Their multilayered imagery seems to derive from my earlier work in serigraphy.  

(#464) "Dreaming in Sydney with the Aborigines"

31 1/2" x 27 1/2" Acrylic on hemp

(may be hung in several directions)


#468 "Orchid City State, Singapore"

20 1/2" x 20", Acrylic on hemp canvas




#469 "Melbourne, Australia With Trees"

36 3/4" x 20 1/4", Acrylic on hemp canvas

#470 "Victoria, B.C. Inner Harbour"

40 1/4" x 29 1/4" Acrylic on hemp

#478 "Zutphen. Netherlands with Sir Philip Sidney and Mondrian"

26" x 26" Acrylic on hemp