"Jazz Club " (2015-16)
(#483) "Drummer's Beat: 'Caravan'"
26 1/2" x 26 1/2"
Acrylic on hemp canvas; gesso built into two layers to create a visual beat
(#484) "Brass Beat: 'Cotton Tail'"
37 3/4" x 19 3/4"
Acrylic on hemp canvas; gesso built into layers to create a visual beat
See Enlarged Photos 1
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(#485) "Sax Beat: 'Whittlin'"
13 3/4" x 25 3/4"
Acrylic on hemp canvas; gessor built into layers to create a visual beat
(#486) "Double Bass Beat: 'Home'"
23" x 46"
Acrylic on hemp canvas with hemp summercloth layer and gesso layers built higher to create a visual beat